Jessie Evans Portfolio
Born 1998, Cambridge, UK; Lives and works in London
Education: 2019 – 2023 BA Slade School of Fine Art; First Class
Upcoming shows: January 2025 'Brush Works' Danny Profit (solo), February 2025 'It's Nottabird' Filet Space (duo)
This portfolio contains a cross-section of my recent painting, drawing and performance work. - please scroll down to navigate
All videos contain sound, please listen with the volume up, click to expand images

(click to expand images) drawings of felt pens, graphite and pen on A4 coloured paper

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1st image Top Left: Long painting, Eyes Oil on canvas (4mx80cm) Top Right: Long painting, Falling Leaves Oil on Canvas (4mx80cm)
2nd image: Long Painting, Self Portrait Oil on Canvas (4mx80cm)
3rd image: Long painting, Eyes Oil on canvas (4mx80cm), Long painting, Falling Leaves Oil on Canvas (4mx80cm), Long Painting, Self Portrait Oil on Canvas (4mx80cm)
4th image: Long painting, poured Oil on Canvas (4mx80cm) and Long painting, Eyes Oil on Canvas (4mx80cm)
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Documentation of degree show performance, July 2023 Duration of full performance: 15.30 Mins
Performers: Cailin Cummins, Sally Plowman, Jessie Evans Directed by Jessie Evans
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Documentation of video works (2023) which accompanied my long paintings.
These are basic panning videos, made using a gimble. Every so often, the camera pans around onto me (the painter), catching me out. Speed is edited in post-production, altering ambient noise, giving a sense of artifice and reaffirming the presence of an absent orchestrator behind the works. These were installed on freestanding TVs, as shown in the first few images preceding the video.

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playing with install options in the studio for an upcoming solo show. This show will see paintings of cartoonishly feminised paintbrushes amidst abstract brushmark landscapes lining the wall with no wall space left. All paintings oil on canvas 66x36in.

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Drawings from Its Nottabird (Akureyri 2024) Graphite and inkjet on A4 coloured paper

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A selection of install images from 'it's nottabird' 2024, shown in Kaktus, Akureyri and developed and performed in collaboration with Boaz Yosef Friedman
Install: wallpaper, painted paper, pin-tacks, masking tape, audio equipment
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Documentation video illustrating the broadcast chatter and visuals during 7 minutes of a three-day show 'it's nottabird' 2024, Kaktus, Akureyri, developed and performed in collaboration with Boaz Yosef Friedman
Audio recording of general chat broadcast through speakers via lapel mics; overlaid with photographs of the show in progress and soundboard effects.
Video featuring the voices of Jessie Evans, Boaz Yosef Friedman and visitors Karolina Ros and Solvi Halldorsson
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some video documentation from 'it's nottabird'

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Selection of drawings made over the past year
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"Thrust (all the paintings I made in 2022)" (2022) 7-minute extract (full video 1h), Webcam video overlaid with rendered animations of my paintings
In this video, my paintings cascade down the screen as I thrust, birthing them to a pop song mash-up.